The CrAzY  FW Skate Center!

The Hippadrome ......a beautiful dive!

My old business card 

*I did a lot of radio advertising on KOL and  KJR rid of the advertising agency and bought time directly....the onair personalities were great to me

Contract with the band "Calliope" with DANNY O'KEEFE -  performer who had the hit "Goodtime Charlie's Got The Blues" the ticket company misspelled "Touray".  Our dances had three names anyway...."Hippadrome or Hippodrome,,,,,,Touray.....and Federal Way Skate Center!  We were only stuck with a few thousand misprints!  (cost recovered at the snack bar)!

This is one of the contracts I negotiated booking Brian Hyland 

Press the pause button to stop this intro

My business license!